
SmartSpace Automation, LLC

North Texas Smart Home & Business Automation Services


Smart People Deserve Smart Spaces

We believe that smart spaces help improve the quality of our lives while enabling us to live in a more sustainable way. Reducing waste of our limited time and energy as well as that of finite and high-demand resources on our planet. 

Living Smarter is a Possibility Now

This is not the future, this is the present. Some of the existing devices you own today could be integrated with one another helping to reduce everyday costs and eliminate manually repeated tasks. When you spend less time repeating tasks, and spend less on utility bills, you have more time and money for the things that matter in life. Get your time and resources back by utilizing new and existing technology the way it was meant to be used!

Technical skills not required.
Let our team of automation experts transform your home or business into an Automated Smart Space


(972) 360-8340

Setup & Installation


24/7 Support